Is Having a Will Enough?
If you have a will you’ve already taken a step that half of all Americans have neglected. However simple it may be for protecting your assets and heirs, there are additional steps you should take in order to ensure a more comprehensive estate plan – such as living trusts, powers of attorney for finances and […]
10 Essential Reasons Why Everyone Needs a Will

Did you know that more than half of American adults do not have a will? Please read this article about the important issues that will be decided for you if you do not have a will or other estate plan. Article by Teresa Mears
Important tips for wills and estate planning.®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=2&pgtype=collection&_r=0
Avoiding Family Conflict with Estate Planning
Sound estate planning now, will save time, money and anguish later.
Five Documents You Need to Avoid Costly Estate Planning Errors